Executive Summary
The ‘RedLine’ malware was discovered in 2020 during the COVID-19 outbreak. This information-stealing variant allows attackers to steal personal and sensitive data such as login credentials, web browsing history, crypto wallets, geographical locations, etc.
After extensive research on the ‘RedLine’ malware, I discovered many threat actors were using it to sell stolen information on the Dark Web and Telegram. I decided to delve deeper into the topic by analyzing a sample of the ‘RedLine’ malware and conducting a high-level malware analysis.

Technical Details
Filename: NetFlix Checker by xRisky v22.exe
File Type: Executable
Architecture: PE32 (32-bit)
Size: 6.47MB
SHA256: e3544f1a9707ec1ce083afe0ae64f2ede38a7d53fc6f98aab917ca049bc63e69
MD5: 8556792f20126e1ed89f93e1e26030e5
Infection Diagram

Static Analysis
Malware’s Architecture
The malware is an executable file that works with 32-bit architecture.

Scanning the Malware in the VirusTotal
55 out of 71 anti-virus engines identified the binary as malicious.

Several strings indicate the malware resources and modules usage that are coded in .NET, such as the mscorlib, System, Object, and System.Reflection, etc.
Also, the malware uses functions that can indicate the malware’s functionality, such as:
Aes – the malware uses the AES encryption, a symmetric block cipher.
MemoryStream – Creates a stream whose backing store is memory.
GetBytes – Function used to encode strings into bytes.
SymmetricAlgorithm – Represents the abstract base class from which all implementations of symmetric algorithms must inherit.
ICryptoTransform – Basic operations of cryptographic transformations.
CreateDecryptor – Creates a symmetric decryptor object.
CryptoStream – Represents the abstract base class from which all implementations of symmetric algorithms must inherit.
CryptoStreamMode – This function specifies the mode of a cryptographic stream.
FromBase64String – Convert base64 encoded strings.

Initial Execution
The malware uses an AES encryption, which, after execution, decrypts the encryption and injects it to an executable file named ‘winlogon.exe’ and drops it to the %AppData% directory path.
The AES encryption data is the actual RedLine malware.

The malware employs loops in the code that lead back to the same code. It drops an executable file titled ‘NetFlix Checker by xRisky v2.exe’ in the Desktop directory. Additionally, it drops two executable files named ‘chrome.exe’ and ‘svchost.exe’ in the %AppData% directory.

In summary, for the initial execution, the malware drops four executable files into the endpoint.

The malware adds chrome.exe to the endpoint’s system-scheduled tasks for persistent data collection.

Winlogon.exe Code Analysis
In the initial execution of the malware, three executable files (winlogon.exe, svchost.exe, and chrome.exe) are dropped in the %AppData% path.
However, the actual RedLine malware is in the ‘winlogon.exe’ file.
During the execution, the ‘winlogon.exe’ file attempts to send stolen data to the C2 server.
Initially, the malware author uses an obfuscator to make the executable’s source code unintelligible, which complicates code review.

In the source code of the stealer, the malware’s actions are exposed, which will be performed during execution, such as stealing the following data: Chrome cookies, Opera cookies, crypto wallets, system hardware, geo-location, files, etc.

Users commonly save login credentials, auto-fill, and credit card info in browsers like Chrome, Opera, and Firefox for faster form-filling and account access.
Stealers like ‘RedLine’ specifically target browser information in order to steal victims’ accounts and access them, especially for credit card information, to steal money and use it to make unauthorized purchases online.
The malware steals the browser’s version information, account credentials, auto-fill data, cookies, credit cards, login data, and geolocation from Chrome and Opera browsers.

The malware steals the autofill data from the browsers.

The malware gathers information about the browser installed on the endpoint.

The malware steals credit card information from the browsers.

The malware steals login data from the Chrome browser.

The malware steals cookies from the browsers.

The malware uses ‘GeoPlugin,’ a geolocation web service API, to determine the location of an endpoint based on its IP address.

The malware uses the OpenSubKey function to access the registry path SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet and retrieve the string value using the GetValue method.

Crypto Wallets
Most threat actors use cryptocurrency wallets for anonymity. These wallets generate unique wallet addresses for victims to transfer money anonymously.
Furthermore, some people invest in cryptocurrency coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Solana, etc.
Threat actors target crypto wallets to steal victims’ crypto wallet information and money.
The malware searches and steals information and files from the list of wallets, such as Coinbase, Yoroi, Atomic, Wombat, Jaxx Liberty wallets, Saturn, etc.

The malware searches for Armory .wallet files in the %AppData% directory.

The malware attempts to steal cryptocurrency wallet files in the ‘atomic’ directory.

The malware searches for JSON files or any files within the ‘\Exodus\’ directory and locates the ‘exodus.wallet’ file on the endpoint.

The stealer attempts to steal information from the Jaxx Liberty cryptocurrency wallet directory.

The stealer attempts to search for any Coinomi crypto wallet files within the \Coinomi directory located in the %AppData% path.

The stealer attempts to steal all files related to the Electrum wallet located in the %AppData%\Electrum\wallets directory.

The stealer tries to collect information about the Guarda wallet in the %AppData% directory.

Malware authors program stealers to gather system information, such as country, city, hardware, and IP addresses. This is done to profile victims, enable geographic targeting, assess hardware vulnerabilities, deliver content in victims’ languages, etc.
The malware gathers information from the endpoint, including city, country, file location, hardware, IP address, language, machine name, and zip code.

The malware author uses the WQL command ‘SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor’ to steal information about the endpoint, including the number of cores in the processor and running processes.

In addition, the malware author uses the WQL command ‘SELECT * FROM Win32_VideoController’ to steal information about the RAM in the endpoint.

Also, the malware uses the WQL command ‘SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive’ to retrieve the disk drives connected to the endpoint and their serial number.

The malware uses the WQL command ‘SELECT * FROM Win32_Process Where SessionId=’ to retrieve session IDs, names, and command lines.

The malware collects ‘ProductsName’ and ‘CSDVersion’ values from the ‘SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion’ registry path and system architecture information.

Once the stealer attempts to steal data from the endpoint, it stores the acquired information in a list that includes languages, browsers, FTP connections, chat logs for games, game launcher files, installed browsers, message client files, Nord accounts, open processes, Proton, scanned files, scanned wallets, security utilities, software, and hardware components of the system.

The malware gathers IPv4, city, country, and zip code data from the endpoint.

Scanned Files
Malware authors program stealers to steal the known and sensitive files on the victims’ system, such as docx, txt, doc, and csv.
Threat actors would want to steal sensitive information for further exploitation, financial gain, identity theft, and data extortion.
The stolen files can also be used for espionage, intelligence gathering, or resale on the dark web.
The malware attempts to steal exe, docx, txt, doc, csv, and DLL files from the endpoint.

The malware attempts to extract account details from the \\FileZilla\\sitemanager.xml file located in the %AppData% directory.

The malware searches for files and directories in Program Files (x86) and ProgramData paths.

The malware uses the GetDirectories method to retrieve the names of subdirectories and the GetFiles method to retrieve the names of files within those directories.

The method JavaScriptSerializer can be used to convert JSON strings into objects.

The malware uses the LoadLibrary function to load two DLL files, kernel32.dll and user32.dll. It then executes the GetConsoleWindow command to fetch the window handle of the console associated with the process, followed by the ShowWindow command to set the show state of the specified window.

VPN Software
Stealers’ malware may target VPN software files on victims’ systems to disrupt their anonymity and online privacy, steal login credentials and configuration details, conduct targeted surveillance, and exfiltrate sensitive data protected by the VPN.
The malware searches for two specific files, ‘BirdVPN’ and ‘NordVpn.exe,’ within the directory %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ to obtain the username and password for both VPN software.

The malware attempts to steal the ovpn files of ProtonVPN from the %AppData%\Local directory.

The stealer attempts to steal the OpenVPN ovpn files in the ‘%AppData%\Roaming\OpenVPN\profiling’ directory.

Stealer malware targets third-party software, such as Telegram, Steam, or Discord, to steal user login credentials, authentication tokens, etc. This data enables threat actors to gain unauthorized access, commit identity theft, and potentially generate financial gains.
This kind of stealing can reveal victims’ interests and affiliations, and it can also be used for extortion and resale on the dark web.
The malware attempts to extract a user’s Telegram profile from their endpoint.

The stealer attempts to steal Discord information by searching for .log and .ldb files in the %AppData%\discord\Local Storage\leveldb directory.

The malware attempts to steal data by accessing the registry key ‘Software\Valve\Steam’ and extracting the values of SteamPath, ssfn, config, and .vdf.

Malware’s C2 Server
The threat actor conceals his IP address with a dynamic DNS service that links their IP address to the ‘siyatermi.duckdns.org’ domain.

The transmission of the stolen information is sent to ‘siyatermi.duckdns.org’ through SOAP message in HTTP protocol.
SOAP is a protocol that is used for structuring messages in web services and facilitating communication between different applications or systems over the internet and the data represented in XML format.

The stealer verifies the connection established by the malware to the C2 server.

RedLine Stealer is a dangerous type of malware that can cause serious harm to both individuals and organizations. It is crucial to protect your systems from RedLine Stealer by using strong passwords, keeping your software up to date, and being cautious about which emails you open and what attachments you download.

Indicators of Compromise (IoCs)
- %AppData%/winlogon.exe
- %AppData%/chrome.exe
- %AppData%/svchost.exe
- Desktop/NetFlix Checker by xRisky v2.exe
- siyatermi.duckdns.org:17044
Yara Rule
The following YARA rule detects the ‘winlogon.exe’ RedLine malware.

RedLine Detection With the Yara Rule